Ask yourself the question, “Do I need a 6.6 kW PV System?”
We at Crystal Solar Energy has the following advice – “May be, May be NOT!!!”
If this answer seems outrageous to you, do not be surprised. NOT ALL HOUSEHOLDS NEED A 6.6 kW PV SYSTEM. This is True.
You need a Solar PV System that can provide you the maximum savings on electricity bills you use through the Solar Day. And majority of your electricity consumption is after Sun hours. Please note there is NO sun shining at night!
Hence, why would you install a PV System so large (6.6 kW) if your electricity consumption is low and requires a smaller PV System, unless you are going to add a Battery storage in the medium term?
At Crystal Solar Energy, we want our customers to know that we provide you the right advice, design, product selection (Panels, Inverter and Batteries) and installation of a Residential Solar PV System.
Not all Roofs can take 18 x 370-watt solar panels. By installing solar panels on different roof surfaces (North/ South / East / West) will only result in a compromised electricity generation instead of Optimum generation that will bring you the maximum savings on your electricity bills.
Also, by installing a PV System larger than you require, you will be using a small portion of this generation during the day and the rest will be exported or if it is export limited. The Feed in Tariff per kWh you receive is almost 1/4th the electricity charge you pay per kWh. This is one of the many reasons we advise to OPTIMISE YOUR PV SYSTEM than OVER SIZE THE SYSTEM.
By Optimising your PV System to cater for today and future will pay off the system quicker than investing in an Oversize PV System.
At Crystal Solar Energy, If you’re searching for a Solar PV system, let us assist you. Let us do the all the hard work to identify the best Solar PV System that suits you. Your roof should have an area to install the 18 x 370-watt panels!
We do offer 6.6 KW solar systems which are well designed, with high quality solar panels, Inverters and or batteries. They are most preferred systems as they attract the higher STCs.
Do You Need A 6.6 KW Solar System?
While you are excited of owning a large solar PV System, we welcome you to listen to us. We recommend a suitable solar system for your home or office; taking your energy usage patterns and daily energy operations into consideration.
Did You Know?
The Australian Government offers a federal based incentive to people who go solar in the form of Small-Scale Technology Certificates or STC’s. The incentive is calculated based on the size of your solar system and deeming period. The STCs do drop each year and one should be aware of this fact.