Founded by engineers with over four decades of experience individually, and a cumulative experience of over seventy two years in engineering; Crystal Solar Energy’s philosophy is to provide the very best in Energy Savings, Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. We adopt and employ new technologies and processes to provide you the latest developments in the renewable energy.
Engineers always look for Quality!!
Product Knowledge
It is very important for us at Crystal Solar Energy to offer you the best and reliable products available in solar panels, inverters & battery storage. There are a large number of products available under each category. Not all inverters,solar panels and batteries are made the same way! Our engineers and technologists understand the finer details of these products and this makes different from other solar pv installing companies. We take the your headache away in choosing what is best suited to you, thus ensuring you are given the best product, performance and warranty for your money
New technologies
Renewable energy sector is developing at a rapid pace. New developments in products such as solar panels, inverters, battery storage, micro inverters, means there are many technologies available to choose from.
Our experienced engineers and technologists keep up to date on these developments through training and seminars and expos. Hence we can advise you the best suited technology for your needs. In doing so, you are offered the latest technology with nominal investment for years of performance. We help you minimise your investment and maximise your savings. You achieve significant savings all year round!
We can confidently answer your question, What is best for me?
Our advice is simple, honest and will be to the point. You can be rest assured that you are receiving the best for you for now and a long term. All our advice is based on the knowledge we harness from the manufacturers, industry peak bodies and world’s best testing labs. More importantly, our advice is free and reliable
The Natural Choice
Crystal Solar Energy is founded and based on the philosophy of providing Energy Efficiency to bring savings to our customers. We implement innovative technologies and processes in renewable energy to help accomplish these objectives. We advocate improving energy efficiency which is the cheapest way – and often the most immediate – way to save money.
Crystal Solar Energy works with various industry sectors such as dairy, cold storage, printing, manufacturing to name a few. We have delivered cost savings in their energy consumption, through energy efficiency improvements. We work with our customers closely, dentifying areas that can bring in energy efficiency. We conduct site survery, study on how to improve facilities, equipment, processes, and behavior and offering solutions, implementing them with great outome for our customers.
We have demonstrated our ability to identify and provide practical solutions to our customers. We value our clients’ need to achieve cost savings in their energy consumption. Offer multiple solutions to achieve energy efficiency goal. we are proud to be a bespoke service provider in the this area and our commitment to excellence combined with our expertise, product selection, implementation with long warranties and ongoing follow up service sets Crystal Solar Energy apart from our peers.
Our experience
Our extensive industry experience, strong a background of engineering has seen Crystal Solar Energy at the forefront of the ever-changing process of achieving Energy Efficiency. Our team of professionals strive to bring the emerging technologies to you at all times
Provide energy efficiency and renewable energy to our customers, with a specific set of values and goals. All of our projects reflect our Mission, Vision and Values as we work to meet the energy and sustainability goals of our clients.
Our Mission:
Leading the quest to provide the trusted sustainable energy solutions and partner in creating valued, efficient energy solutions delivered with passion, expertise, teamwork and a clear focus on customer needs and satisfaction.
Our Vision:
Provide sustainable energy solutions.
Our Values:
Sustainability. We deliver solutions which are economically advantageous and up to the highest expectations of our customers.
We take care of our environment.
Empowered to do the right thing with consistent and high ethical standards in everything we do by embracing honesty, fairness, respect and safety
We commit to bring the best environmentally friendly technologies and to keep developing renewable energy solutions to our customers.
Leading the industry by pursuing excellence and innovative solutions, demonstrating the highest standards, leveraging experience and unlocking the hidden potential to create a more efficient, sustainable world.